Just a question... Who the hell came up with some of these, and under which circumstances? Or, nevermind, don't wanna know...
Found on f2.org. Thanks alot for saving my ass...

Affine- An in-law, or anybody you've got a kind of relation with through a marriage
"My affines will come this weekend"
Brockie- Anybody with a dirty face
"A child becomes a brockie after half an hour left to themselves
Melissophobe- Someone who is terribly fearful of bees
"Melissophobes tend to overreact to buzzing sounds on a summerday"
Cynophobe- The dog-fearer or hater. There's no question about it. These people hates dogs and their worst fear is meeting a big breed-dog, although the small ones are equally horrible.
"My sister is a cynophobe"
Mattoid- Someone semi-insane. Could be a borderline-psycopath, an extreme eccentric or a restless crank
"I believe myself to be a mattoid"
Misopedist- The child-hater. Regards babies as flesh-colored, screaming and smelling monsters.
"A misopedist hates passing by a school-yard"
Homonculus- A grotesque little creature
"Flies can be real homonculus"
Philargyist- Someone who loves money
"Alot of people are philargyists"
Peniaphobe- Someone who is driven by the fear of poverty
"Almost every one of us are more of less penialphobes"
Philocynic- A dog lover
Ailuophile- Cat lover
"The world is pretty much divided between philocynics and ailurophiles"
Pococurante: Someone who is incredibly indifferent, careless or nonchalant.
"A pococurante is difficult to spend time with; he is intrested in little, bored with much and fazed by nothing"
Dexterity- Right-handedness
"The majority of people are dexterious"
Ambisinister- Someone who uses both hands equally bad
"He was born ambisinister, but learned to at least use one of his hands in a pretty good way"
Ucalegon- A neighbour whose house is on fire
"Ucalegon is a state in which a person can be for a limited amount of time, and the shorter the better."
Scobberlotch- To do nothing in particular
"On weekends, somepeople love to scobberlotch. On scooldays too, of course, but that's a competely different matter"
Otophobia- Fear of opening one's eyes
"Some mornings we all suffer from a mild form of otophobia"
Leechdom- archaic word for the craft of medicine
"Some people living without the modern influences practises leechdom"
Alexipharmacon-An antidote for poinson
"When bitten by a poisonous snake, it's important to get alexipharmacon as quick as possible"
Lucubration- The act of studying by candlelight
"Lucubration is useful when there's no electricity"
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