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A painting made of only coffee :) How fun is that!! |
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Awesome church of Luque is alway awesome |
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Random swiss alps |
Since my last blogpost it seems like YEARS have passed, so much seems to have happened... So I suck at update my blog regularly, that's just a fact. Once every two weeks is an achievement for me. Though in this case I have the excuse that in order to update my blog, I need to use the real computer and not my cellphone. That is, I need to use my sisters computer which have the annoying habit of all of a sudden shut down. Here, I need to add that apparently the developer of Blogspot.com has the same issue, since my blogposts auto-save everytime I stop typing 10 seconds. (Whoever you are, I like you. But still, the fact remains that the positions of the pictures are really fucked up and you should feel bad about that...) ![]() |
Horse!! :D |

It might be apparent, but I've fallen for what I think is named Coffe-art. If it isn't, that's my new name of it. Basically it's just black ink drawings on coffee-stained paper, but the effect in so nice. This might just be my thing about loving aged-looking things.
Last night however, I, to the quite doubtful and astonished reactions of my family (Whom sometimes seem to consider me mildly weird, rightfully so) experimented with only painting with coffee. Really, really funny :)
Other interesting things this week: the temperature has been up to 43 degrees Celcius two days in a row, after which is dropped down to 10 degrees the day after.
Only. Ever. In. Paraguay.
And the sahara desert.
Being from a country that is cold about 9 months a year, I once promised myself never ever complaining about the heat agaim ever. Well, that promise has temporarily been retrieved and I'm fully free to complain about this.
Actually, if it's one thing that could make me leave this country before my program is over, it's definitely the heat.
I mean, the people in sweden might like under the impression that heat is amazing and everything, and when I'm in sweden I fully agree. But this is different. This is like being inside an oven without possibility to escape. The air is, as I've expressed on previous occations, really saturated with water. This doesn't help one bit, since it blocks every possibility your skin has to get rid of heat.
There is an entire chemophysical explanation to this, which would make my chemistry teacher proud of me, but it's just too uninteresting.
The chance of survival increases with the houses that have aircondition. Unfortunately this description does not apply for our house. We have fans, but no cooling except from that.
My gym though, the place that gets alot of free marketing here it seems, only that I don't mention the name, is heaven of those days... Cool, windy, clean. Just gotta love it.
On the same subject though, as people that are friends with me on Facebook will know, I have slight issues with this particular place right now.
Long story short: My favourite aerobic instructor is fired.
The slightly more extended version is that, for various reasons I've been told (By the owner herself who on occations seems to take pitty on me and my poor understanding skills...) but do not fully believe in nor agree with.
Now, I should point out that the aerobics in no way is bad (Usually, though one episode almost made me leave...), only that this other girl had an energy level that matched mine more of less perfectly and her level of aerobic really grew on me, the perfect combination of having to concentrate, and excersise.
Also, I liked the person in general, because she was really nice to me, and really tried to make me understand what she was saying.
Now, I don't think I'll ever see her again. Which is really, really sad...
Take care, stay safe :)
skulle vilja klicka i 'dafuq did I just read' för att det är kul - så om någon gör det på något helt vanlig inlägg någon dag är det bara jag som uppfyller mina drömmar x)
love your art!