A fleeting thought that sometimes seem to be in my head, mostly when I do something less than usual:
What does people here think of sweden?
As of yet, I haven't met one Paraguayan who has ever encountered anyone on my nationality. This means that for the people here that judge a country by one inhabitant (I'm not saying that everyone does in Paraguay, but some people do...) should have some weird thoughts about whaat kind of country Sweden is.
To begin with. People think that the official language in Sweden is English. Secondly, they think English is one of the official languages. Then I'm asked to say something in Swedish, upon which people decide that we have the weirdest language known to man kind (A bit of a strong sentiment coming from a country where one of the official languages is Guarani I'd think..)
Here, one other fact should be kept in mind: Paraguayans in general does not seem to have much of an idea of europe. This can be understood, since I myself didn't reallt have any idea of South America before coming, but still, it can complicate matters... For instance, there are people thinking that Europe is a country (I guess it's because of the Euro) that speak English...
But for those who have heard of Sweden (Suecia en Español), 60 % of them think I talk about Switzerland (Suiza, very similar) and subsequently ask if I talk German. Now, simce coming here I've learned that German is one of 4 languages spoken in Switzerland, and that it's Swiss German which is not all too easily understood by Germans. Just for the record.

From my behaviour so far in Paraguay, someone who thinks one person can represent a culture would describe Sweden more or less like this:
Sweden is a country in the north of Europe where they have a completely messed up language and are on the edge of mental sanity.In sweden, there are no chairs, so people just sit on the ground and are perfectly happy with that.Also, Swedes can, without any valid reason, break down laughing so hard that they can't get a breath for about ten minutes. They don't really appreciate tight clothers, in fact they seem to think it's awkward wearing clothes that reveal every single piece of flesh possible...Swedes LOVE the cold but easily get sick from the heat. (Almost true!!)Also, in Sweden they don't seem to have busses, or their busses are really bad, because they really do love the busses here in Paraguay, although they are fanatics when it comes to walking and does it whenever they can. also, there has to be alot of space between houses and places in Sweden, as they consider a kilometers walk "close to here"... The national dish of Sweden in Fish with chocolate cake, and Swedes love drawing and painting. In Sweden, they don't have religion, and people in Sweden belive in evolution. (This last thing seems befuddeling to most people. How Can you NOT belive God created the earth 6000 years ago, in 7 days, and how can you not belive that every word of the bible is true?)
Not even kidding. Everyone of these questions/statements has been put to me during the tree months I've spent here. Though this is nothing to what the USA people have to suffer....
Also, I've been asked the name of our queen and king. I feel the royalities of Sweden is something of an awkward story, actually....
Shoutout SWEDEN!!!: I miss everyone there alot today, but in a good way! Also, really nice agains Germany in the football game, proud Swede overseas, and I don't say that often! Also to my mother who sent me Swedish candy. Love you.
Take care!
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