Så, vi är så lyckligt lottade... Vi har en engelskalärare som är något av ett nutcase. Visst är han bra på sitt sätt, men det finns lite saker som är... ja...
My point being: Vi har varje vecka uppdrag att lära oss 20, för oss, nya engelska ord.
Har tidigare försökt läsa mysko artiklar, men insett att jag faktiskt förstår fler ord än vad jag trodde. Hittade sedan en liten guldgruva med titeln "Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary". Så, hädanefter kommer jag varje vecka lämna in 20 ord som samtliga börjar på samma bokstav. Denna vecka blev det bokstaven B:
Bachelor- A man who has never married
“He remained bachelor until he turned 40”
Badinage- Conversation and remarks that are joking and not serious
“His criticism was just badinage”
Baffle- To cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something
“She was completely baffled by his strange behavior”
Bairn- Scottish English or northern English- Child
“He was acting like a bairn”
Balalaika- A musical instrument mostly played in Russia
“He was very good at balalaika”
Baleful- Full of evil intentions, threatening
“He gave me a baleful look”
Ballot- A system or occasion of secret voting
“They decided to hold a ballot”
Baloney- A lot of nonsense
“That’s just a whole lot of baloney if you ask me”
Bamboozle- To trick or deceive someone, often by confusing them
“He was bamboozled into revealing his credit card number”
Bandicoot- A kind of small animal which lives in a bag on its mother after birth, which lives in Australia
“The bandicoot stood still and watched its reflection in the water”
Banyan- An Indian fruit tree with branches that grows down into the ground forming additional trunks
“Our climate is probably too cold to grow a banyan outdoors”
Barium Meal- A kind of neutron-absorbing chemical contrast fluid, swallowed by a patient before an X-ray of the stomach so that the picture will be clearer.
“The doctors gave him Barium meal just before the X-ray”
Barnacle- A small sea creature with a shell that sticks very tightly and in large numbers to rocks and boats
“Our b
oat was covered with barnacle”
Basalt- A type of black rock that comes from a volcano
“In Tenerife, the beaches are covered with basalt rather than sand”
Beefeater- A guard at the Tower of London who wears a 16th century uniform.
“We saw a couple of beefeaters on our London trip”
Beech- A kind of tree with smooth grey trunk and small nuts or the wood of the tree
“This table is made out of beech”
Beguile-To charm, attract or interest, sometimes in order to deceive someone
“He beguiled the woman to get her to sign the form”
Behemoth Something that is extremely large and often powerful
“A gossip can be behemoth”
Bellicose- Wishing to fight or start a war
“The general made some bellicose statements about his country’s military strength”
Benefactor/factress- Someone giving money to help an organization or people
“Her call of life was to be a benefactress”
Favoritorden måste nog vara Baleful och Bamboozle :)