Välkommen :)

Nowadays I use this blog to keep track of my Paraguayan exchange year. Por Favor, don't use the pictures without my permission. Gracias

lördag 9 februari 2013

Traffic-system-passive-aggressive- rant ahead.

It is very fascinating to me, that the inhabitants of this country has mutually agreed to totally disrespect pedestrians crossing the road (became very apparent at our arrival when, not without a certain amount of pride, it was declared that the zebra-stripes are widely ignored and that a car will NEVER stop for you), yet still everyone becomes really, really pissed and upset and shocked when a car or a bus hits someone.

I am just saying. Safe pedestrian- crossing areas. Has any politician here considered that in their campaign? Ever?

And I wonder, how can you blame a driver for hitting someone, in a country where the system in use widely screams that 100% of the responsibility when crossing the heavily trafficked roads lays with the pedestrian?

Well, my little passive-aggressive post of the day.
Take care, stay safe

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